La Biblia de las Américas (LBLA)
La Biblia de las Américas (LBLA)
Literal, Dependable, Easy to Read, and Traditional
Translation Philosophy
La Biblia de las Américas is an original and faithful translation of the Scriptures as they were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
The Editorial Committee observed two basic principles to create a word-for-word formal equivalence translation. First, they stayed true, in every possible way, to the original language of the Holy Scriptures. Second, while maintaining grammatical accuracy to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek text, they did not ignore the rules of modern grammar in considering both the international and contemporary dynamics of Spanish. Additionally, they used a traditional Castilian style to maintain the greatest degree of literary beauty. La Biblia de las Américas offers the security that those seeking the message and the knowledge of the Scriptures will find a trustworthy and clear translation of the truth revealed by God in His Word.
You can read the LBLA and NBLA, it’s Latin American Spanish language counterpart, with confidence knowing that they are accurate translations with which to conduct a personal journey through the Word of God.
The Hebrew text used was Rudolf Kittel’s BIBLIA HEBRAICA together with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Greek text used with consideration to the latest available manuscripts and research, in most instances, is the 27th edition of Eberhard Nestle’s NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECE.
The translation team was composed of scholars from various locations throughout Latin America, Spain, and the United States of America to ensure that La Biblia de las Américas would communicate with Spanish-speaking people around the world.
LBLA Translators
Dr. Ismael Amaya
Dr. Israel Carmona
Rev. Herbert Cassel
Rev. H. O. Espinoza
Dr. Osvaldo García
Rev. Eduardo Hernández
Dr. Carlos Madrigal
Dr. Jesse Miranda
Dr. Enrique Tolopilo
Rev. Felipe Train
Dr. Duane Wetzler
Dr. Enrique Zone
Translators’ Collaborators
Dr. José Arrequín
Mrs. Becky Brown
Dr. Antonio Serrano
Rev. Otto de la Torre
Old Testament Consultant
Dr. Frank García
New Testament Consultant
Dr. Moisés Silva
Critical Readers
Dr. Américo Castro
Rev. María Luisa Falber
Mrs. Antonia Martínez
Rev. Samuel Molina
Dr. Steve Pallady
Dr. José A. Reyes
Dra. Rosa Reyes
Dra. Joanna Roldán
Mrs. Helen Sands
Rev. Antonio Tolopilo